As in, the first block I've made from Thimble Blossoms absolutely gorgeous quilt pattern Swoon. Do you like it? I sure do! Want to see the rest of my Swoon quilt?...
There it is, all neatly organized into little baggies :) My goal is to finish 2 blocks a week, and then show you and share on THIS flickr pool. This block took me about 2 hours to make, so I figure 2 a week sounds do-able (depends on the week, I guess). I'm hoping that the completion of this quilt and this years tax return fall roughly at the same time because I have a feeling it's going to take the whole thing to get this baby quilted! The pattern is for an 80 X 80 inch quilt, but I'm going to add a border or two so that it fits our queen sized bed. And once I have such a beautiful quilt on my bed, I'll want to paint the walls to match. A project for 2012... I'll be sure and let you know how it goes.
The fabric I'm using is mostly fabric designed by Sandi Henderson, Meadowsweet and Meadowsweet 2.
Let me know when you are ready to paint, we can take one of the boys late nights and knock it out. I love painting.