
Monday, August 29, 2011

Well I finally did it. I've been saying I'm going to do it for almost a year. I quit my fun little job at the quilt shop. The little job that I looked forward to every Wednesday and Friday evening. The little job that gave me a reason to put on some make up and a new outfit. I needed to. I need to be home with my children in the evenings. The boy started 4th grade today and P started 2nd, and this evening I'm on my way to meet C's new preschool teacher. Last year homework was piling up and things were getting really stressful around here. For some reason it never seemed like it was just Wednesday and Fridays. Sometimes I'd need to fill in an extra shift, sometimes the weekly shopping needed done... some weeks it seemed like I was gone every night. Quitting is a sacrifice for me. I like to work and I like to quilt. But I'm not bitter or angry. I am excited for this school year. I am excited to be around more for the kids, excited to give my mother and mother in law a break from watching the kids, and excited to have some Friday nights to spend with my man ;) One more year and C starts Kindergarten... it will go way to quickly.

P.S. When I got home the night of my last day at work my husband and kids made me this cute cake. I love my family!

P.S.S. The quilting and sewing will continue, as well as the blogging... I've accumulated way to many projects working there the past 4 years.

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