
Monday, October 25, 2010

Korker Ribbon Hairbows Tutorial

I needed a black and yellow hair accessory for P's Halloween cheerleading performance. I didn't expect that to be very easy to find. So I decided if I wanted it done right, I better do it myself.

You'll need grosgrain ribbon (it takes a lot to make a really cute, full bow. I think it was about 6 yards total for the 2 little hair bows), a couple of 1/4 inch dowels, some elastic ribbon, string, thread, whatever... just something to tie it in the middle, and either clips or soft bands to attach the bows to.

I bought my dowels at Walmart for about 25 cents a piece. I cut them in half (easily done with a kitchen knife) so they would fit in my oven.

Wrap your ribbon like shown around the dowels. I tied my ribbons at the end, but you could also use wooden clothes pins. I eventually went back to the store for more dowels so I wouldn't have to wrap... bake... repeat... every 30 minutes all day long.

Put your wrapped dowels on a cookie sheet in your oven set at 275 degrees for 30 minutes. Ovens vary, so I definitely wouldn't leave them unattended, but this time and temperature worked out nicely for mine.

Let them cool a bit and remove your ribbon from the dowel. It's all curly! Cut your ribbon into about 3 inch pieces (depending on how big you want your bows).

Tie them in the middle. I used some stretchy jewelry string to tie mine (the same stuff I used for my button bracelet post).

I fluffed them up a bit and then hot glued it to a soft little ponytail band. She looked absolutely darling for her first performance!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tomato Cage Ghost

I've search and searched for the original idea for this tomato cage ghost and I just can't find where I first saw it. I wish I could say it's an original idea of mine, but it's not. If I discover where I first saw it I'll make sure to give credit where credit is due.

Anyway, I LOVED this idea at first sight. Here is my version, along with a quick tutorial to make your own.
I'm not much of a gardener. About 6 years ago we grew some pumpkins and they turned out great. Ever since then I haven't been able to grow a thing. Even my flowers this year died. So I had to borrow this tomato cage from my mom. If you are a gardener you probably have a couple tomato cages that lay around all winter. Here a great way to get a little more use out of them.

I dug out a string of Christmas lights and wrapped the tomato cage a few times.

Then I threw an old white sheet over the whole thing.

I wanted to make a cute ghost with a smiley face and a pair of shoes sticking out of the bottom of the sheet (like a trick or treater), but the kids wouldn't have it. They are tired of my "cute" Halloween decorations and wanted something scary. I cut some felt shapes for his face and glued them to the sheet.
Well it's not that scary but it does look pretty cool all lit up.

Our "spooky" front porch.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Birthday

The boy in the family is turning 9! I've made lots of little girl quilts but not nearly as many quilts for my son, so this was a lot of fun to make.
LOVE the matching flannel. Now his PJ's can match his quilt. Super easy pajama pant tutorial HERE