I am still here! October is a very busy month at our house, at least this October was. The month started out with The Boys 9th birthday, in the middle of the month C had to have a minor surgery, and then there was Halloween. I actually have been sewing quite a bit. I have a quilt that is being quilted for me right now and I've been working on 5 Christmas surprises that I'll have to wait a few more days to tell you about :) But for now I thought I would share with you this fun little project that me and P worked on today.
It's snowing like crazy at our house right now and that always makes me feel like baking. Apparently my daughter feels it too, because she woke me up early this snowy morning begging to play with her Easy Bake Oven. Soon after she got her Easy Bake Oven for Christmas last year, we ran out of mixes. I went shopping for more and quickly left the store with a resolve to make a few of my own, less expensive, recipes. This is our favorite recipe...
Pretty Pink Baby Cake7 Tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 or 2 drops pink food coloring
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
4 teaspoons vegetable oil
8 teaspoon milk
Mix all the ingredients together until the batter is smooth and evenly pink. Spray your Easy Bake Oven cake pan really well (the one that comes with the oven) with non stick cooking spray. If you have ever baked with an Easy Bake Oven before you know these little cake pans stick like mad. Pour about 3 Tablespoons of batter into cake pan (fill it out 3/4 of the way). Bake 15 minutes. This recipe makes a 2 layer cake, but we have never been able to wait for the second layer to cook before starting in on the first layer. It's actually pretty yummy, especially with this simple recipe for frosting...
Powdered Sugar Frosting
1 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon milk
I usually don't measure this actually. I put about a cup of powdered sugar in a bowl and add a drop at a time of milk until I like the consistency. DON'T add to much milk, it gets running really fast, only a little milk is needed. If you do add to much milk, just add more sugar and eat the left over frosting right out of the bowl! :)

Here's a picture of a single layer of the cake. If you have the patience to wait, cook both layers and stack them with frosting in the middle. P ended up eating one cake herself and serving the other to her brother and his friends.
And just so you know I haven't abandoned my sewing machine, here is a picture of some adorable Christmas bibs I created this week for the Pine Needles. Patterns and kits will be available this weekend durning their Christmas open house.

P.S. My darling son broke my camera the other day :( So all these pictures were taken from my phone. I am asking Santa for a new camera for Christmas (secretly a little happy our old one broke because the one I'm asking for is much nicer) but until then my picture quality will be lacking.